11 Oct 2011

McCann civil trial hearings to start in February 2012

The civil complaint filed by the McCanns against Gonçalo Amaral, over his book "Maddie - A Verdade da Mentira" (The Truth of the Lie) will start to be tried in February 2012.

The first two hearings have been scheduled for the 9th and 10th of February, 2012, at 9.30 a.m., at the Civil Court of Lisbon.

The defence fund that supports Mr Amaral by helping to finance the legal expenses related to this trial, is still in operation. Donations are very welcome. Please refer to the information on the right for contributions. Thank you.

The McCanns' Injunction: Quotes by the Defence Lawyers
Providência Cautelar dos McCann: Citações dos Advogados de Defesa
Audiência das testemunhas de defesa de Gonçalo Amaral
Gonçalo Amaral in Court: Witnesses defend that book results from the Investigation
The Temporary Injunction: Granted on September 9, 2009 (1143/09.0TVLSB)
Lisbon Appeals Court Decision on the McCann Couple Injunction (overturned)
McCanns appeal to the Supreme Court to forbid Gonçalo Amaral’s book
Supreme Court turns down McCanns' request


  1. Anonymous4:31 pm

    Dear Mr Amaral,i wish you all the very best in the upcoming libel case,if there's any justice the awful McCanns will lose,and you will be vindicated.You are an honourable and decent man.

  2. Anonymous11:58 am

    Dr Amaral, you are a credit to your country, we are all hoping for justice against these two manipulators, and that you win and your reputation is once again restored. I have every respect for you as a police officer and citizen in search of the truth as to what happened to Maddie. You have the strength of many behind you, for you were disgraced unfairly. It is you who should be taking them to court for libel,if they had really wanted to find Maddie they would have asked for the case to be reopened, and they did not. you are in our prayers.

  3. Anonymous2:24 pm

    Mr Amaral,i wish you all the best in your fight for justice,
    i know you will not speak ill of the mccanns and that puts you on top of the pile and the mccanns at the bottom where they belong, the mccanns have ruined yours and your family,s life all for the sake of ££££££££,oh yes i truly beleive the truth will come out but unfortunatly not by the british police or the media.

  4. Anonymous8:35 pm

    Dear Dr. Amaral: I have wished you strength and fortitude since the very beginning of this politically-driven persecution. I have no doubts in my mind as to who made honest efforts to resolve the enigma of Madeleine's fate. May you be seen by the entire world to obtain justice, something the McCanns have denied their little daughter....... and may your family recover emotionally and financially from this devastating experience. I am with you all the way.

  5. Anonymous8:40 pm

    My thoughts exactly as written above by anonymous on 5/2/12.
    Keep your strength and never give up.

  6. The McCanns are claiming that they are steeped in a permanent state of anxiety and depression directly due to the book and that its publication has stopped people looking for Madeleine. IF Madeleine really was abducted then I'm sure her parents would be in a state of anxiety and depression anyway. One wonders how they could tell that these feelings were due to the book and not the loss of their daughter. Besides, they do not look at all depressed to me. I'm sure Dr Amaral's lawyer might like to bring all the McCanns' recent media appearances to the court's attention, as well as their Leveson appearance (where Gerry proclaimed that he strongly believes in freedom of speech and Kate LIED about body fluids in the car), their attendance in the VIP area of Everton Football Club for the FA cup final where they looked perfectly relaxed. Now we have a new public role for Kate as ambassador for missing people (cough, splutter, yes really!).

    Some of the McCanns' friends are said to be appearing in court via videolink yet, crucially, none of the T7. How very odd. So an assortment of people will reel off nothing but glorified character references, even though by now we have a very good idea of the characters in question, yet Jane Tanner will not testify that she supposedly witnessed the "abduction".

    There will no doubt be a whole load of technicalities of which I haven't a clue but on the face of it and if there's any justice, Amaral and his lawyer should absolutely wipe the floor with them. I so hope this is all over soon for Dr Amaral, a great and honourable man.

  7. I like your efforts and dedication towards fight for justice. Hope it inspires the people.Signs Of Depression
